some field notes
I work out of what is around me - ground, voice, thinking
these words - from my surroundings, my days
then find their way in disparate sentences
weather reports slipped with news headlines
or arcane paragraphs, they are letters from the past
a few minutes, days, months, many years
sometimes stacked, decks of an ocean liner
sometimes as scraps or hoardings
once they were approaches, ways of introduction
now less familiar - hints, glances, ricochets
or little dances with verbs
each place is a trail, a change
an existence that is named
looking closely changes a place
out of context, within another context
expecting openings and closures to be heralded
a woosh, an electronic handle
drug with a dangerous name
grievous monkey out of control
treasures do the talking
they report the crime
trespass and knowledge
these words - from my surroundings, my days
then find their way in disparate sentences
weather reports slipped with news headlines
or arcane paragraphs, they are letters from the past
a few minutes, days, months, many years
sometimes stacked, decks of an ocean liner
sometimes as scraps or hoardings
once they were approaches, ways of introduction
now less familiar - hints, glances, ricochets
or little dances with verbs
each place is a trail, a change
an existence that is named
looking closely changes a place
out of context, within another context
expecting openings and closures to be heralded
a woosh, an electronic handle
drug with a dangerous name
grievous monkey out of control
treasures do the talking
they report the crime
trespass and knowledge