away for 'home and away'
Later this month I will be off to Auckland for Part 1 of the Home & Away 2010 poetry symposium (details below). It will be my first time to the North Island (unless you count one hour in transit through Auckland airport). I have spent some time on the South Island over the last few years and am always ready to return. It will be interesting to see what I make of the north. HOME & AWAY 2010 The New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre - nzepc - will hold a two-part poetry symposium in Auckland, New Zealand, and Sydney, Australia in 2010. The first part of HOME & AWAY 2010 will feature readings, launches and forum-style talks with trans Tasman colleagues at the University of Auckland, 30-31 March. For details of the program visit this site . And just to note, that the night before the symposium, on Monday 29 March from 7pm, there will not only be a pot luck dinner at Michael King Writers’ Centre, but from 8-9 pm Michael Farrell and myself talk about and read from our anthology ...