'mashed with'
Michael Farrell has just posted some comments on a couple of my poems on the Jacket2 site . He points out that some recent poems, such as these two, 'Leaving It To the Sky', from Dark Bright Doors , and 'Misinterpretations/ or the Dark Grey Outline' , recently published in Overland , are, in his words, more 'aggressive' and 'rawer, rougher, more "live" '. I hadn't thought of the newer poems in those terms, exactly. And another reviewer has pointed out the 'violence' in some of my work, overall . But it's apparent that Michael has noticed a newer mode in my work, that there are things 'up with which I will not put' any longer. A new assertiveness, rather than the previous assertiveness (which is there, if you look). He says: "It's a broader, more assertive platform for Jones's brand of projective verse, and one that bodes well for a midcareer future." Parts of the poem, 'Misinterpretations ......