
Showing posts from December, 2015

My two 2015 bests, and a not-quite-the-end-of-the-year not-really-a-list thing

I’m not sure why there is always this flurry of best-of lists for the end of each year, and usually not even at the end of the actual year, thus simply being wrong, in all senses. Overall, my year wasn’t a good year, but that's another story. Suffice to say, I realised confirmed a few too many things about a few too many things. Nonetheless, the year, on a broad rather than exact scale, began and ended with two best things, for me. My last but one book, The Beautiful Anxiety , won a prize in late January . Well, I prize it anyway, plus they gave me money. It was the work of a number of years. And my most recent work, Breaking the Days , was published in late November. It was work of a different sort, a shorter term project, but it was a good thing. So me, myself and I raise my/our glass to these two, my little 2015 bests. And recognise it’s more betterer than what a lot of folks got this year. So, to myself I say, stop yr sobbing. As for other things, specific things of interest...