been everywhere?
Well, no, of course not. I've been various places (even been to me this weekend). Just haven't been much around Ruby Street, in any sense, recently. I suspect I'm still in a slight time lag warp and have been unwell for weeks - travel infestations. Went to Perth and then Adelaide last week. Not exactly my choice of timing but had a good time all the same. Warm welcome from Perth poets (the Andrews) and Perth writing persons in general (hi, Rob) and bumped into many other folks. And did music (Tan Dun, Ed Kuepper) and the arts visual (Rothko and Rover) as well as writing thangs. Adelaide, as hot as. But great CD shops. True. Check it out! But still haven't got my head back around Sydney yet. They tell me it's been raining. Sure, it's overcast, but rain - puh-lease. Send 'er down Hughie, is what I say. Anyway, had to water the garden this morning (all strictly within Sydney Water guidelines - we're most partickerlar about that at our place). Yesterday inca...