influences, a little list (or two)
OK, again no top tens from me, but Mark Young has tagged me for a list of poetry books that have influenced me. I really have to divide it into phases, but I will only do two phases, however. First, the books I read, indeed, bought, when I was a teenager when I thought that I could write poetry. These are still books I have, and most of them are anthologies or selecteds. This is due pretty much to the limited literary landscape of a suburban kid during the Australian dark ages. I still consult the Montale. The Poets World (Aust edition), ed by James Reeves - was actually a school text. The copy I have before me as I type is Annette's. The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse, ed Bownas and Thwaite The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse, ed Allott Voices - the third book, edited by Geoffrey Summerfield Collected Poems, T.S. Eliot Selected Poems, Montale (Penguin Modern European Poets) Then, there's a second round of books which influenced me from a later period when I got serious abo...